Playing ADC in emerald is genuinely one of the worst video game experiences I have ever had, it is unreal how bad this game is as a marksman with a support gap at this range

Every single game is a pure coinflip between which team will have the support player with a brain and the one without. Whether you get the Pantheon support who steps up and zones, or the Zilean who double-bombs every wave in tower afraid to step up and poke. Whether you get the fiddlesticks support who sits in a bush not poking or fearing, or you get the nami who walks up to W and zone.

Emerald certainly isn't a good rating, but at this point, players are actually able to punish this bullshit more than lower elos. If you queue into a game and get support gapped, you can sure as shit expect the enemy bot lane to freeze/zone and set up dives on you, forcing you to go down 40-70 CS by 20 minutes waiting at your second tower for a bailout while your support AFKs to guard their own KDA, or going 0/6 because the enemy bot lane, mid, and jungle have all realized you're a walking sack of gold and the plates+dragons are going to fall right after.

I have genuinely never played a game where you're just this fucked by a complete coinflip of teammates. In CS the "snowballing" effect is minimal, you can lose a few rounds and still win a duel with someone by being the better shot - not so for an ADC down two items. In MMOs you can queue up for a dungeon or raid and leave the group if someone is trolling. It's only in league where one player can hold you hostage for 30 minutes while you repeatedly get bent the fuck over, and have everyone on both teams screeching "LOL ADC GAP" because some support thinks they can queue up for that role and browse tiktok through lane phase.

When in the everliving fuck are support players going to be held accountable and banned for this type of disgusting behavior