9800X3D - International Warranty?
Hey guys, so I just got the B650 Steel Legends motherboard in the mail last week, around the same time it came to my attention of Fried 9800X3s with asrock Mobos.
I got the mobo on Amazon, and they will refund the morherboard no problem, I just lose 15e for initial shipping costs.
As for the CPU, I bought it in Australia a few weeks ago, but Ive now moved back Ireland. If the CPU frys, will AMD send me a new CPU to Ireland and cover the all the costs? Or will they only give it to me in Aus, where I will then be responsible for shipping,l and Vat, which will likely costs around 200 euro.
Does anybody have any advice? My options seem to be:
Sending back my Mobo and buying a different brand, such as Gigabyte Aorus B650 Elite AX Ice or Gigabyte Aorus Elite Ax V2 (200euro). Its funny because I paid a premium, 250euro, to get the steel legends Mobo because it was so highly regarded and I really liled the aesthetic 🙃
- Sitting on the issue for awhile and see what happens (3.2 bios fixed). Im still waiting for a monitor and GPU (holding out for possibly 9070XT).
- Risking it and seeing what happens. Potentially costing me my CPU as Im unsure on how the warranty would work now that ive moved abroad. I could be liable for shipping and VAT from Aus -> which wouldnt be cheap. Probably somewhere from 150->250 euro (?)
Thanks :)
Hey guys, so I just got the B650 Steel Legends motherboard in the mail last week, around the same time it came to my attention of Fried 9800X3s with asrock Mobos.
I got the mobo on Amazon, and they will refund the morherboard no problem, I just lose 15e for initial shipping costs.
As for the CPU, I bought it in Australia a few weeks ago, but Ive now moved back Ireland. If the CPU frys, will AMD send me a new CPU to Ireland and cover the all the costs? Or will they only give it to me in Aus, where I will then be responsible for shipping,l and Vat, which will likely costs around 200 euro.
Does anybody have any advice? My options seem to be:
Sending back my Mobo and buying a different brand, such as Gigabyte Aorus B650 Elite AX Ice or Gigabyte Aorus Elite Ax V2 (200euro). Its funny because I paid a premium, 250euro, to get the steel legends Mobo because it was so highly regarded and I really liled the aesthetic 🙃
- Sitting on the issue for awhile and see what happens (3.2 bios fixed). Im still waiting for a monitor and GPU (holding out for possibly 9070XT).
- Risking it and seeing what happens. Potentially costing me my CPU as Im unsure on how the warranty would work now that ive moved abroad. I could be liable for shipping and VAT from Aus -> which wouldnt be cheap. Probably somewhere from 150->250 euro (?)
Thanks :)