Had a v disturbing encounter today where a man followed me & tried assaulting me after leering at me. Looked up the transits and today is similar to another assault in July 2024. Charts show some patterns. How can I best help myself to be protected/identify patterns as indicators for violence?
Preface note - mods, I believe I have made a significant and sincere effort from my end to demonstrate my interpretation, the relevance, and why the query is legitimate for our subreddit. At the moment I am struggling to integrate how I can approach further analysis/interpretation particularly given the natal sextile with Jupiter and prominence of Pluto in the chart, so I appreciate your kind consideration in advance for this
Hi folks, had a very disturbing situation today and sorry in advance for all the details/info, Virgo stellium....basically a fucking creep who was leering at me like a dog from his car followed me into the place where I normally go to buy my joints, and he tried assaulting me by spitting on me along with verbal insults, etc. I've encountered very very creepy random men in public multiple times in esp in the past 2 yrs in the city where I live in abroad (i.e. i’ve had someone on an electric bike speed up to me and grab my butt while I was standing up pedaling, I’ve had men follow me in broad daylight when I’m biking or walking, harassing me in front of my mailbox, etc.) I hate where I live and i’m ready to move on asap (I have 2 courses left to finish for my master’s degree in this country) though I have no idea where I am going.
There's a couple of things which jump out to me, as I was looking at my Venus/Lilith/Mars situations initially - the moon opposition pluto transit is the one which immediately jumped out to me, and for context, this weed shop is literally 5-6 min away from where I live, I probably go there 1-3x a week but recently decided to quit smoking weed. Atm, I am disturbed by today's incident even hours later, do not want to leave my apartment to even go on walks around my neighborhood, and I don’t like the idea of someone taking away my power like this. I’m not interested in soothing fragile male egos and I will not tolerate disrespect, what’s funny is that I spent a year and a half stoned bc I hate living here and in the week I’ve been sober my hand went up automatically to flip him off, so yes, universe, I get the signs, I was sedating myself bc life here sucks.
I ran a transit chart for the last time this happened with the electric bike incident in July 2024. I am noticing some disturbing parallels with the 2024 incident (also included that day's transit chart below) and I'm wondering, the Neptune/Pluto/Venus signatures in both charts are giving me pause, I guess I'm opening this up to asking what are your takes/observations/insights? I worry about my safety more and more as men get creepier somehow????? Anyways I see some funky stuff happening with Pluto and my moon with the direct opposition today, but on Astroseek's transits search apparently this happens every month and it has never been something I've noted. There is something about the way men react to me in public which has become an increasingly disturbing weight on me, I have no idea how to approach analyzing this at the level I would like to atm, because there seems to me, on an intuitive basis, 3 thematic big things are going on here, and please feel free to correct me if I'm off/wrong as it will only help me learn
- Something about me triggers a lot of people and it's not my fucking problem excuse my French, but in particular, especially in the past 2 years, it has involved very aggressive men who feel entitled try to demean/degrade me - and this has also happened professionally (!!!) - I take this to be a combo of the natal Venus in the 10th as well as Lilith. I don't know why they even try because while I inherently feel like whatever anyone says or does to me is not worth entertaining when it is that person, but I worry about my physical safety. Every attempt at violence whether verbal or literal has been in public (10th house) and is an attempt to assault me.
- In this situation and some others in my life, I have always had extremely weird traumatic out of the left field shit happen but I am always, always, somehow with good fortune saved from it getting worse (I have had situations where I think I could have died - also had a stalker, etc.) I will also quickly gloss over something perhaps apparent, which is that my natal chart gives away that my father is ....not a good person, for those who want to take a conjecture, there is a theme of violent men trying to assert power over me and it just does not bode well for them bc they become crazier and I become exhausted trying to protect myself. It is not lost upon me that my transiting Mercury and Moon are sandwiched between my natal Saturn in the 3rd with Daddy dearest being represented in this specific spot. The theme of men, patriarchy, violence, my relationship with men, reflections on everything etc. has been on my mind lately. But I am looking to further my understanding on an abstract and practical level.
- I'm annoyed this ruined my nice planned walk for today but I also take this as a sign from the universe to continue quitting weed. I am obviously never going back to that place, but I am wondering why men feel so entitled with men and react so violently.
Now that I've noticed similarities in both situations and their astrology, I'm wondering what I can keep in mind to best help myself, feel/be protected, etc, or whatever insights/observations/thoughts you'd like to share *as it relates to the astrological signatures in this post* please?
I understand why some people would not say anything at all, and maybe that is something to consider, but my hand went up to flip him off instinctually and his insane behavior gave it away bc he knew he was wrong from the start (what mother would ever be proud of raising a son who has become a man treating women like this?).
Both charts reflect the following elements from my take on them:
Chiron sextile Mars
Uranus trine Venus
Saturn sextile Neptune
Saturn opposition Jupiter
Jupiter Trine Saturn
Jupiter Square Moon
Neptune Square S. Node
Neptune Square Node
Uranus Square Lilith
Saturn trine Ascendant
It gets better… Today I had Vertex sextile Lilith, in the other July chart, Vertex Sextile Mars happened
One more...today I also had MC square Uranus, and MC Sextile Saturn….wait for it, in July 24’s chart I had MC Square Saturn and MC sextile Uranus
The similarities aren’t lost upon me, it’s literally just like they’re tango partners who switched positions lmao
There is something here pattern wise I’d like to learn from to best protect myself