Divorcing Q with kids- concern of their safety with shared custody.. should I stay?

My husband is a high functioning alcoholic, has a great job, friends (that all drink a lot), coaches kids sports.. looks great on the exterior. But I’ve had enough!! Swears he’s gonna quit.. has tried numerous times without success… but I just don’t think he wants to! we’ve been married 11 years and have two amazing kids 10 & 8. He’s always been a drinker but over the last 4 years he has been verbally abusive, and somewhat paranoid.. he accuses me of cheating, hiding money (I also have a good job).. it has gotten so bad that the kids have heard arguments and even been involved. I also cannot handle how much money we spend on alcohol! Over $3000 a month!!

I do 90% of all responsibilities… in addition he has killed his credit due to credit card spending and awful money management.. so the house, cars.. everything is in my name. I’ve come to the realization I’ll probably lose our home and a lot of the things I’ve worked hard for.. but my main concern is custody. He drinks and drives, has a career where he has to go out and network or travel. I don’t trust him to be safe with the kids.. I don’t even want to leave them alone with him.. and he sends them off to his moms when I have things to do. I also don’t want to share them 😩 as I’m sure he’ll find another woman to keep his life together! Should I just suck it up and stay until they’re older? Anyone been through this?