AITA for being loud when my roommate has sex?

I currently live in a student house with three other people.

The downstairs room is connected to the kitchen/dining area. The roommate who sleeps in this room asked for this specifically.

Recently, he’s been bringing his girlfriend around our house every single day. They’ve been dating a few years, but we’ve only just met her.

They’re constantly in the kitchen and his bedroom with the door open, which makes it a bit awkward to be in there at times. They have sex SO loud. Going downstairs has become a nightmare because we constantly have to listen to the two going at it. They usually have sex in the middle of the day as well, the exact times people are going into the kitchen to make lunch and dinner.

I’ve brought this up to him a few times and he said that we never gave him any rules when he asked if we could bring her around, but obviously we did not expect to be hearing them having sex constantly.

I asked him to play music and/or put the television on in the background while he was having sex and he refused and told us that he likes hearing his girlfriend while they are having sex so he won’t be doing that.

To combat this, every time we go into the kitchen and we can hear them having sex, we’ve started playing music ourselves or putting on a TV show on loud to drown them out, which he’s said he is not very happy with and it ruins the mood for him.

I don’t care about them having sex, I just don’t want to hear the bed banging, the moaning and the conversation that happens, it’s annoying and makes it uncomfortable to be in my own house.