What, how have you cured your anxiety?
I had testicular cancer at 16, cured at 17. Chemotherapy. Since then, something changed in my brain.
Never before had panic attacks. Feeling nervous is normal, but my anxiousness levels got crazy, and remain crazy. My life is good because I love who I am and what I do, but anxiety is limiting me and making me not living life at its best.
I had my first panic attack when I approached a local gym's counter. A few have come, and anxiety is all around my daily life.
The problem is that I get super active and heart-racing when I plan to do something that involves talking to someone at a counter, or someone with a certain level of authority, or when a in queue slowly comes my turn. It's like my mind can't stop fearing the anxiety of having anxiety in that situation.
Being 20 now, a lot of things tried. Spent some big money in therapy with a Psychologist. Before going to therapy, tried stuff like facing the thing directly. No result. In therapy, I learned and tried stuff like controlled breathing, insulting those thoughts, setting a name to my brain and saying to myself "(name) is trying to f*** with me again"... Also tried stuff like GABA, ashwaghanda.
So basically I wanted to share a little about my anxiety just in case any of you found a solution to a similar anticipatory anxiety and panic disorder. Or any solution to anxiety in general.
Your responses are much appreciated.