Am I cooked?
Hi everyone I am currently a junior in their second year and I a cumalative 2.97 GPA unweighted because during my freshman year I got a 1.25 SM1 and a 2.57 SM2 unweigthed since then I have had a 3.75 both semesters of sophmore year and a 3.5 last semester of junior year I am predicting a 3.88 this semester or a 4.0 unweighted. My projected SAT is a 1510. Besides that I have only taken 2 AP classes and got a 4 in CSA also I have taken honors classes while being honor roll and am taking 6 honors and 1 AP right now. As for extracurriculars I intern at a hospital and got the Presidential Service Award Gold, volunteer, am in 4 clubs, and I am going to be religiously doing research. With all this taken into account as the title says am I cooked?