2.5 days without power and my fish lived!

I live in Southern Illinois where a large ice storm swept through. Our power went out 2.5 days ago and I feared the worse for my fish. I lit candles all around their tank, and blew bubbles into them 5 breaths every hour but my fish were starting float at the surface and moved very little. But it was hard to tell since the tank and room was pitch black how bad they were actually doing. About 10 minutes ago the power came back on and ab 5 minutes after my fish started moving around again and came to the corner where I drop their food. 2 Goldie's and 4 loaches alive and doing well. My wcmm are a little more shaken I think it will take them a while to shake off the cold. Unfortunately my tetras and shrimp died but I'm just grateful I didn't lose all of them. The tanks had both dropped to 40 degrees and the candles were barely keeping them above 50! Such resilient fish!