feeling like i can't do my thing because another artist is already doing it. your thoughts/experiences?
i was in a rut and had pretty much given up drawing/painting for several years, until i had what i thought was a brilliant idea while on a date at my city's botanic garden - using real flowers as the textiles for fashion illustrations. i started practicing again and was over the moon to find a project that got me excited to create every day.
recently i came across another artist on insta, who is doing the exact same thing, and has a really similar art style even aside from the flowers. and they've been doing this for years and apparently are well known and have collaborated with a zillion brands. so now i'm in my head about it and feeling like i can't continue with this project even though i love it, because someone else had the idea and executed it first, or like if i share my illustrations on insta (or in general) people will think i copied their style.
have you ever encountered this or had a similar experience? or even if you haven't personally, what do you think? many thanks in advance if you're willing to share your thoughts/perspectives.