Salary of a Tenured Professor (STEM, Research) (USA)

I've always intended to give academic track my best shot, but the current cost of ...exisiting... has made me take pause. It never concerned me before, but I'm starting to question whether one can live a comfortable lifestyle on a Tenured Professor's salary (STEM, Research) (USA), especially since most of these positions exist in cities with higher cost of living. By comfortable I mean I'd like to own a house, a car, and go on a vacation once or twice a year. Houses in cities (Chicago, Boston, Seattle, Philly) are upwards of $500k...are professors really only taking home $120k ...? The same salary that industry will pay a green horn fresh out of graduate school?

I know state universities must report their salaries, and I've reviewed them (they seem low), but I question whether these are on par with private R1 salaries. Hoping to hear from some folks that are privy to salary information...

The responses are already dismal at under an hour in. I wonder if professors will take note of the graduate student and post-doctoral unionization and head in that direction themselves.