We're a little torn on moving to Alaska

Hello! I (19) and my fiance (19) are thinking about moving to Alaska. My parents are moving there this year from Idaho, looking to retire and live their days out there. My parents offered me and my partner to move there with them. My parents plan on getting a house on Prince of Wales island, Hollis specifically. This house has a second little house a small walk away, and we'd be able to live there with a rent price to my parents. We are highly considering it due to apartment prices here being so high, being tired and stuck where we are in North idaho, and the way my parents will be so far away makes me sick. My fiances job pays not much, and we are struggling a lot here in ID. With the population over there being scarce, I'm worried that my fiance and I will be lonely, bored, and feel out of place. My fiance lived 4 of his teen years in Valdez, and he remembers it being so boring and so lonely. We are both kind of looking forward to it in some ways and also dreading it in some other ways. We want a quiet, simple, happy life. We want cheaper rent and to be near my parents, but we dont know if it's the best choice as we are still young and we dont know if we should go somewhere so remote. My fiance wants to go more than I do. Are there others our age around Alaska state that we could befriend? Would it be better to stay in North idaho, or should we try out Alaska? If we dont like it, we can't really just leave easily. It would be really hard to move back if we regret it financially. I plan on visiting POW with my Dad sometime soon to have a feel for the place. So im really just looking for advice and opinions.

TLDR: Me and partner want to move to Alaska, but I need advice if it's the right choice.