Dear Canadians I need a favor.

For a record I'm an American. That sentence is more embarrassing than normal. I like numbers. So here are a few. The loud clowns have the mic right now. So it may feel like there's a lot of hate coming you all's way right now and I understand. The US population is roughly 340 million people. Only 152 million had their votes counted in the recent election. 77 million for him and 75 million for Harris. That leaves roughly 187 million people that either didn't vote or had their ballot disqualified (because that's a thing in the US) The loud crowd thinks they are the majority. But as the numbers show they are actually around 25% of us. As for the favor I'd like for you all to cut off anything and everything from the US that you can cut without severely disrupting your lives. The rest of us will understand and won't hold a grudge once this is over. We are on opposite sides of the border but we're in the same fight. I truly believe his goal is to destroy NATO. Kick ass and take no prisoners.

Your friend from the south.