What are some secrets or disgusting facts that you can share about a workplace now that you no longer work there?

I'll start it off, I used to work in a very popular Spar in Dublin that was quite small, we had no stock room or anywhere for storing the shops goods so all the sweets, chocolates, and anything you'd find at the front counter used to be stored in the staff bathroom. A very small cramped bathroom that was used by the staff very regularly. Everytime we complained about it to the owner about it being unhygienic he shot us down. Everytime we had an inspection he conveniently had the stock moved a day or two before hand, he definitely knew someone high up to keep getting tips.

Same owner used to refuse to give us Sunday rates and constantly expected us to stay late without pay, threatening our job if we didnt, the team consisting of purely students never did anything about it as we didn't know much better.

Anyway let's here the drama!