Household Chores
So, men of longer relationships, how do you and your wife sort of split up chores like cleaning and such? Through 20 years of marriage, this seems like something my wife and I never get quite right. Of course, I always end up feeling like the ass hole. First, I do all the standard “man” stuff: trash, garage, boxes, dog poo, etc. She never touches any of that unless I’m on a long work trip or something. I also do the dishes on nights she makes dinner. Our problem comes in with the deeper cleaning activities. Like, I’m never gonna dust fan blades, dust the moldings, scrub fingerprints off windows, or vacuum the couch. I guess you could say I’ll do the general cleaning but tend to stay away from the deeper cleaning. So a day like today, I’ll generally clean the kitchen and then carry on with being lazy- relaxing, playing with the kid, or doing whatever. Meanwhile, she’s off knocking dust from areas I don’t even know exist, scrubbing shower tile, and emptying the fridge. She usually doesn’t say anything but there’s definitely a passive aggressive sort of annoyance that I’m not doing more.
So how do the rest of you manage these activities around the house? Perhaps I am being an ass hole and need to try to do more?