Questions on the swampland
The swampland program is an attempt to constrain the list of apparenly consistent quantun gravity theories (within string theory). Upon applying some consistency constraints, many of the QFT apparently consistent with gravity actually are shown to be incompatible, rendering them as UV-incomplete
I have some questions on this:
In this paper the authors indicate that some theories (such as Jackiw-Teitelboim theory) are incomplete, so they are not standalone quantum gravity theories, existing as worldsheet branes of a truly higher dimensional quantum gravity theory. However, if the swampland contains UV-incomplete theories, could all these theories be considered as existing as branes?
In this other paper the authors seem to indicate that de Sitter spacetime belongs to the Swampland upon consistency criteria being applied. However, our universe is approaching a de Sitter state. How can this paradox be resolved?
If I'm not mistaken, cosmological inflation was a temporary De Sitter phase, so it ought to be in the Swampland too. Can Swampland theories exist after all but rather as unstable vacua?