Moms of LOs who nursed to every nap and bedtime: How and when did you wean?
I enjoy breastfeeding but after a few weeks of waking up non stop, I am considering night weaning, or even fully weaning.
I would like to do it as gently as possible, no CIO, even if it lasts for months. I don't mind it taking time if it's going to be a bit easier on all of us.
My baby has nursed to sleep in about 90% of the cases. She occasionally falls asleep in her car seat, in stroller and my mother in law was able to put her down, but not recently.
My husband is ready to be a part of the process, even though she pushes him away when he's trying to put her to sleep. She did however fall asleep with him rocking him only once a few nights ago when she didn't want to go back to sleep during the night which was odd.
She'll be one year old in a few weeks.