When's the best time to wean a baby?

My little one is 13 months old. Of all the things about parenting, this is the one that has been the most confusing and conflicting for me: when should I wean her?

Here's what's confusing for me: - she's nursing with more passion than before, for the past two months, ever since we had an incident where she bit me. I yelled no so she got scared, so she got into a 24 hour breastfeeding strike. It was horrible for both of us, I cried and and she cried, but we managed to get back. But ever since that day, it's like she realised that boobie can be gone, and she's been clinging to me so much. - consequently, it's been hard for me to bf so many times, day and night, and I wish it would be a bit more relaxed, where she doesn't come to me every 30 minutes to ask to nurse. I do tell her every other time that boobie is asleep so it's not like I'm not setting some boundaries. - My mom and my sister told me that it's best if I wean as early as possible cause it's going to ger worse for me to wean her later on. Is this true? - I want to have another baby soon but I definitely want a break between bf and being pregnant and even more between bf her and the next baby that comes (I don't think I'm one for tandem breastfeeding) - I'm so scared about her crying and having a hard time weaning, but I also don't think I can make it till she weans naturally cause I feel drained - and lastly I think that a large part of me feeling drained is because I constantly feel I'm doing something wrong still breastfeeding and being afraid I'm digging myself a hole cause I'm not doing something to make her stop...

In a perfect world I would love to continue breastfeeding but only occasionally, for naps and such.

I look forward to your opinions ❤️