Weaning help
My newly 17 mo son is having a very hard time weaning. He has been exclusively breastfed / refused bottles since birth. I had to have a procedure last week and the medications I have been on can't be taken with breastfeeding so we have gone cold turkey for 3 days now. I tried to gently wean leading up to it.... only in the morning, not offering throughout the day, starting with a cup of milk at night while reading (given by dad). These last 3 days have been so hard, he is struggling to go to sleep, huge tantrums during the day if denied access, overall seems mad at me. I know his little world just got turned upside down. I unfortunately will need another procedure next week and this process will repeat itself so I am wondering if it better to just stop. For the last month and a half it has gotten harder where he is so so mad when I tell him it is time to stop nursing - sometimes after 30 minutes in the morning. I know it is for comfort only. I am wondering if it is better for our relationship to just stop nursing and move on? I feel guilty at the same time and after watching him the last three days, I wonder if it is better to just keep going. I am also sad to see it end, but also happy to have my body back. Any tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.