How long do you let your baby cry?
My baby is 6 months soon and I keep hearing that I'm too overbearing.
We bedshare, she's breastfed, I'm on a year's worth of maternity leave, so we're essentially always together.
I know they say when babies wake up at night, let them cry for a minute because it might not be an actual cry and they might still be asleep, but it stresses me out so a boob is in her mouth within 5 seconds of me waking.
The other day I was marinating chicken while my baby chilled on the kitchen floor on a playmat, and when she began crying, I immediately began to wash my hands to soothe her when marinating the chicken would have taken only a minute more, but I can't bear the thought of her crying for that extra minute. My mum told me it's good to be responsive but that I go overboard and mollycoddle her too much.
Am I overly anxious and not allowing her to learn resilience or is this okay?
How responsive is your responsive?