The Bitter Truth About BPD
Borderline is a serious mental illness.
10% of them commit suicide.
I haven’t seen stats on it, but I’ve heard several stories of the non SO commiting suicide. It does not surprise me.
They live in constant pain. Just look at their face, when they think no one is looking, and you can see it. Plain as day.
One minute they want to pull you in, the next push you out. They lie, cheat, steal, gaslight, manipulate, blameshift, catastrophize, are emotionally dysregulated, are hypersexual, are impulsive, rage, circular conversations, have low self-esteem while being entitled, and don’t have their own clear identity.
While they do all the above, they will accuse you of doing it to them. Projection.
They can dissociate and lose touch with reality. They can get paranoid and delusional too.
Somehow they instinctively know how to control and manipulate you with sleep deprivation, lovebombing, baiting you to admit vulnerabilities, and idealizing you while future-faking.
Your vulnerabilities and wrongs will be weaponized against you.
During devaluation, they will already be spreading poison pills on you so they get sympathy during the coming discard.
Post-discard, they will likely hoover you and ambush your life again when you get back on your feet.
They will do sick stuff like mine did, sending a gif of a young (7 or 8) girl ice skating with the text ‘This could be our daughter in 2030’, just days before having a fourth abortion (against my will).
You will never win. Ask anyone on this sub if their BPD ever just sat down and communicated honestly and then everything was fine after the good talk. Never. If they could manage that... then they would not be mentally ill. They’d be... stable.
They have multiple schemas. Everything is extreme. My last relationship (with a BPD) was too good to be true and so bad it was unreal.
We all just wanted to love our BPD. Have a good day together... but we got headaches, sleep deprivation, CPTSD, anxiety from just being around them. We got mentally ill ourselves just trying to love them.
It’s like a psychovirus. It’s contagious. Fleas.
I don’t call it the CrazyTrain because it’s the LoveBoat.
It’s Crazy.
I don’t call it Hell because it’s a nice place.
Something beautiful and seductive leads you to a place where your heart is jabbed with emotional daggers and your soul has life literally sucked out of it... to your loved one’s delight. This is called ‘supply’ and you are called ‘the target’. Just look at the smirk, and you will see the pleasure. Sadistic. Plain as day.
Some want to defend BPD and say it’s not so bad. It’s not called a personality order... it’s a personality DISorder. When things are disordered, that means they do not function properly.
Take a brain scan of a BPD and you can see it in the physical structure of their brain.
A borderline will soothe their pain giving it to you.
Loving a Borderline = Pain
This is why I write what was one of my epiphanies:
Hell is not eternal. The gates are wide open.
Get your fear and strength and co-dependency under control... and you can simply walk out of Hell anytime you choose.