Please don't don't start drama right when the roleplay starts.
I honestly dislike when the roleplay has just started and out of the nowhere someone causes major combat or causes major drama out of the blue and I have a story where two people did that and I will tell you why I dislike it when people do this.
Keep in mind this roleplay was at a game and usually oc sheets aren't much required, but you do have to say what role you are so there wasn't much the hosts could do to backcheck every single detail.
It was at a kingdom where it takes place in a timeline where electricity wasn't a thing, I joined as a tailor for the royals who is secretly an angel in disguise and the roleplay started so I decided to try to do sewing while the others at the royal court including the royals trying to do casual things to start things up.
But once the roleplay JUST started, two people who want to be imp's just barged in and tried to attack the royal court right at the start of the roleplay, I of course used some of the magic to try weaken them since imps are considered demons and I was an angel who wanted to offer any help I could since the guards weren't given much time before being ambushed by combat.
One of these imps was trying to kidnap a princess, who fought back and called me over to help her since the guards were busy trying to fight the other imp. This imp proceed to say in the lines of "Stay out of this, let the damsel in distress have her shine" as if the royal wanted to do that and didn't just fight back while also calling someone to come help her.
These demons also tried to use chainsaws even though it's a roleplay taking place in a time where electricity wasn't a thing, so that made the host have to be involved and tell the two people that since electricity isn't a thing in the time this roleplay takes place, that means things like chainsaws don't exist. Unfortunately I don't exactly remember what happened next, but I still consider it to be one of my least favorite roleplay experiences.
Please don't start combat or any major drama from out of the blue right when the roleplay starts, it's not as fun as it sounds and it doesn't give much breathing room to interact with one another, not to mention after these things happen, it just drains any motivation to actually roleplay and have fun in the roleplay. I had times where I either made a semi major drama plot thing in the roleplay or was part of a few people who all wanted to spice the roleplay up and came up with an idea, but those plots didn't just happen out of the blue right when the roleplay just started and usually that drama occurs later or at least after people have had been able to interact with one another and were given enough breathing room.