Nonsenses in Baldurs Gate 3 and D&D 5E fights

I'm long term player of D&D computer games Neverwinter nights 1 and 2 which have been built on D&D 3.5 and want to say that BG3 and D&D 5E ruleset is simply ridiculous and inferior.

It happened again and again - in BG3 I'm encountering fights which are nearly impossible to finish without reloading the game again even 15 times. I have never seen anything like that in computer game before, it's just stupid.

After some time I thought that I will get over it and then suddenly the game pised me off again in Elfsong tavern.

First encountering group of 20 rats in basement, which reduced life of my monk to half. Have you ever fck seen like 20 ordinary rats would almost killed a fighter? In Neverwinter nights, single one level 8 fighter with the Great cleave feat would kill this fck rats instantly. In D&D 5E they represent a chalenge:

"Oh dear D&D litttle inclusive milenial newbie, so you don't want to be such a piece of shit in D&D when your character has low levels? Ok don't wory, we will change the ruleset so you can be big hero at level 1. Give us your parent money. (and then give us that money again a few years later when we fix this intentional flaw in the rule system)." And the result? Well, dear kids, the result is that rat level 1 is inevitably also big hero, same as you was at level 1.

Ok, nevermind, this is known weakness of D&D 5E ruleset, let get over this. And then it cames again in Elfsong tavern with Githyanki - so I have group of 4 characters at level 8 - can the fck hell somebody explain me, why they have made fight with 15 fighters of the same level, all in fullplate and with fck clever AI, able to cast spells like Hold person, so 2 of my fighters are permantly holded and can't do nothing and the rest of my team has AC lowered by 2 by some fck psionic shit magic an by other magic?

See, in Nevereinter night 2 there was pretty tough fights, but each single one of them has been balanced so player can win it if he use a littlebit of tactic, and he will have good feeling about the fights.

So I'm thinking - is this really year 2024? Why the heck 2006 game is better than 2024 game?

So my point is - there was a fck game 15 years before, there was a fck good ruleset D&D 3.5, and both of it was better than 2024 ruleset and pc game.

And this .|. is for quitters reading this post, which are now crying to their mum that somebody has strong opinions.