Hot Take: Uryu is High Captain Level, and Chad is Low Tier Captain level at EOS (or High Lieutenant Level)

Uryu with Antithesis. I think he is a very high tier Captain Level. As I think he will beat Mid Tier Captains.

But, hottest take would be Chat being low level Captain.

I think he at least has a chance against weakest captain like Isane or Iba?

And Definitely Chad is stronger than a lot oc Liuetenants like Omaeda.

What do u think?

Uryu with Antithesis. I think he is a very high tier Captain Level. As I think he will beat Mid Tier Captains.

But, hottest take would be Chat being low level Captain.

I think he at least has a chance against weakest captain like Isane or Iba?

And Definitely Chad is stronger than a lot oc Liuetenants like Omaeda.

What do u think?