Why is everybody so upset about Shade?
I don’t really get why everyone is so mad. I didn’t think he was that overpowered. There are already brawlers that can attack through or over walls (like Jacky and doug) so why is everyone so pressed about Shade being able to do it? Sure he can also walk through walls but that’s his ultimate ability. He can’t use it all the time and it doesn’t charge automatically like Edgar’s it seems. Even if the numbers are huge, he has a whole bibi windup so he can really only hit you once through the well before you have time to walk away from him. His damage isn’t huge in burst, and it’s only huge per hit in that sweet spot. Plus, even if it is too easy to hit and the damage is too much they’ll nerf it a bit no harm no fowl. Idk I just thought Shade was really cool and his idea/design were really fun. It just makes me kinda sad to see everyone so upset about him :(
I don’t really get why everyone is so mad. I didn’t think he was that overpowered. There are already brawlers that can attack through or over walls (like Jacky and doug) so why is everyone so pressed about Shade being able to do it? Sure he can also walk through walls but that’s his ultimate ability. He can’t use it all the time and it doesn’t charge automatically like Edgar’s it seems. Even if the numbers are huge, he has a whole bibi windup so he can really only hit you once through the well before you have time to walk away from him. His damage isn’t huge in burst, and it’s only huge per hit in that sweet spot. Plus, even if it is too easy to hit and the damage is too much they’ll nerf it a bit no harm no fowl. Idk I just thought Shade was really cool and his idea/design were really fun. It just makes me kinda sad to see everyone so upset about him :(