Tell me it gets easier.

I have always wanted a cat and after many years of nagging my other half reluctantly agreed. We have adopted a 7 month old rescue kitten and had her about 3 weeks. I am beginning to regret my decision.

She can be very loving if in the mood, but the rest of the time she is impossible. Climbing everything, getting on the surfaces where she isn’t allowed, scratching the furniture, biting if we tell her off. She has loads of toys and scratching posts, she eats well and uses the litter tray just fine. But I have to watch her every single minute and it’s exhausting. I can’t get anything done because if it turn my back she is wrecking something.

At night or if we are out she is confined to 2 rooms with all her food, litter etc because we can’t trust her in the house otherwise.

I am hopeful she will calm down eventually but if not we may have to consider rehoming because I just can’t cope with the anxiety she is causing, plus the rows with the rest of the family who are not pleased that I got her.