Time for some end-of-season maintenance
Our permit expires end of the year for gathering in the national forest. We have pretty much “tagged out” and the trailer sides are currently being held on with ratchet straps….. so I called an end to gathering. Took the saws down to the shop for a little cleanup and a once over. All three saws got some use, total run time over all 3 was about 25 hours. Checked air filters, pulled plugs and checked the bores on all 3. Only one showing any signs of use inside is the 361 I bought used in November. Piston looks good, but the bore shows “use”. Plugs in all 3 were good, the 170 has what looks like an iridium or platinum plug in it (bad was also having idle issues) so it will get a new plug to start with. Other than that, they all have sharp chains, and are ready for a brake clean bath, and be put to bed til the new season opens April 1st
Our permit expires end of the year for gathering in the national forest. We have pretty much “tagged out” and the trailer sides are currently being held on with ratchet straps….. so I called an end to gathering. Took the saws down to the shop for a little cleanup and a once over. All three saws got some use, total run time over all 3 was about 25 hours. Checked air filters, pulled plugs and checked the bores on all 3. Only one showing any signs of use inside is the 361 I bought used in November. Piston looks good, but the bore shows “use”. Plugs in all 3 were good, the 170 has what looks like an iridium or platinum plug in it (bad was also having idle issues) so it will get a new plug to start with. Other than that, they all have sharp chains, and are ready for a brake clean bath, and be put to bed til the new season opens April 1st