What are your personal beliefs about abortion?
My personal view on abortion is not popular even among *believers— But I am against abortion with no exceptions. I believe abortion is taking a human life (murder). I think our laws that protect us should protect humans in the womb*.
Edit: Thank you to everyone who has responded. I do like hearing different people’s opinions, even though I don’t agree with everyone.
I have always been against abortion and always has seen it as murder in all circumstances. I think each baby is valuable and should be protected, no matter how they were conceived, disability etc. It truly does sadden me that so many tiny humans in the womb, life does get snuffed out each year and day. Our world and the people in the world want to be able to choose who lives and dies when that is not any human's choice — God is the giver of life, and he is the one who decides when life ends— people that believe we can decide who lives and dies are playing God.