I don't understand how people are being successful in this game.
I just don't get it. I have experimented with sliders. I keep turning the player stats up and the cpu stats down. Each time I do it, I'm concerned things will get too easy. And for a while, it seems like they might be, and I start to think I might have overdone it... but then some bullshit happens. Interceptions are one of my biggest problems (as with many people, I hear) so I have turned the cpu all the way down to 20 on those. My QB accuracy is all the way up at 70. I am playing against trash NMSU team that is 8 overall points worse than me, and I am down 17-2 in the first half with 4 Interceptions. Like, what the hell? It's like this game is determined not to let me win much more than half of my games no matter how muchnI change the sliders in my favor. And I'm only playing on varsity! I really do not understand how people play this game and win a lot. My team has improved every year, but I always finish with the same record. 90% of games end up being very close. This doesn't make any sense.
I am soooo frustrated. I should just give up, but I'm so sick of spending money on things I have looked forward to for years and then having it be a waste. I am determined to get something out of this!
EDIT: I'm also winning many important stat categories. I have more 1st downs, more yards, longer time of possession, I've sacked their QB 5 times... but I can't score without turning it over. And it's not like this every game. I win a little more than half of my games. I almost always play good defense and I often have solid offense. On average this season, I only have one interception per game, so it's not like I'm always getting picked off anymore. But if I was going to have this problem with a team even with cpu down at 20, shouldn't it be a good team? Not a 1-6 trash heap team? It's year 4 and I still don't think I have ever won by more than two TDs... (actually, I did once). And 2 TDs is rare! Nearly all my wins are by one score, no matter how much I change the sliders. Why is everything such a struggle???
FINAL UPDATE: After giving up a deep pass and throwing another pick six, I was behind 30-2 in the 3rd. I quit the game. Started over, and things went very differently. While it was competitive for most of the first half, I never felt out of control. I eventually pulled away and even avoided the comebacks this game usually gives me, winning 31-11. This is only the second time I have ever won a game by more than two scores.
It feels better, but this is the same team I just fell down 30-2 to. And I haven't improved that much between two attempts. I even still turned the ball over three times! But the game was totally different. This is what really frustrates me. My struggling isn't consistent. If it were, I'd be like, okay, yeah, I need to be better at this and fix this. And there are a few things like that I know I just don't do well. But overall, it feels so random, like the game just decides to randomly be better sometimes, especially if I have been doing well. Ugh.