Reddit unbearable
I am a federal employee and am on several federal employe subreddits.
I can’t post any opinions there at risk of hundreds or thousands of downvotes. There is no dissent, no discussion, no free speech.
While I might not agree 100 percent with the way Trump is executing change in the federal government, the change is necessary. He is clearly ripping the bandaid off!
One theme that pisses me off more than any other is the theme of « if you voted for Trump as a federal employee you are getting what you deserve / no right to complain »
Yes, some good government employees or new hires are « collateral damage » from some of his blanket policies… and yes I will personally feel the impact (hiring freeze and possible benefit cuts) of his decisions… my office will likely be critically understaffed for months as a result (I don’t work in a DEI office)
BUT this needed to be done. As a federal employee, I agree 100 percent with his policies towards federal workers… as painful as they may be.
I can only post this here. Thanks for listening.
Not all government employees are in revolt