Did Amsterdam cure my lifelong constipation?

Since I could remember I've been on Movicol, duxolax, fibre, anythingggg to help with constipation. I've never had a normal bowel schedule of daily, best I can do is every 3-4 days, on average 5-7. I've tried everything. Gave up. Accepted my slow movement bloated fate. And then a year ago I moved to Amsterdam, and suddenly all my problems went away! Regular, daily, easy, no push, predictable movements. I thought it was a miracle. My contract was for a year only there and I arrived back to my home country a week ago - and guess what? I'm right back to where I was before moving abroad to the Netherlands - I'm again the girl with the chronic constipation. No movements, bloated, tight stomach, pain. I thought I'd never cry on a toilet seat again! But alas, I'm at a loss as to how to get my Amsterdam bowel freedom back. Was it something in the water that was different? In their food? I didn't change much, are as I did back home, same lifestyle, same water intake, exercise, stress levels, etc. It has to be something in the water right? Anyone with any vague clue it same experience please feel free to chime in and help a frequent toilet seat sitter out please! Xx

(Repost because I can't spell)