Holiday and series 4 update...
Quick update.
All holiday pack orders through yesterday have shipped. We are down to less than 500 packs and Holiday 2025 will be sold out. It's a fun little set and we tried to keep some surprises under wraps. Hope you guys enjoy the product.
Series 4 Collector's boxes just arrived and started shipping today. If you order this weekend, orders will ship Monday. Gamestop also received their shipment this morning. It will take some days for the product to work it's way to stores. If you want product quicker, I suggest ordering online. Other retailers will be getting their shipments next week or due to the holiday, it could drag to the following week. Mega boxes will ship January.
There is not a lot of collector's boxes left on We have less than 30 cases left and series 4 collectors boxes will be sold out at Other retailers such as Gamestop will have supply for a little while.