Instant Crush Wins Best Fifth Song! Now, which album has the best Track 6 of the bunch?

So far the community-made track-listing is:

  1. Give Life Back to Music
  2. Aerodynamic
  3. Digital Love
  4. Da Funk
  5. Instant Crush
  6. ….

Our contestants are Fresh, Nightvision, The Brainwasher, and Lose Yourself to Dance. Which album had the best Track ?

So far the community-made track-listing is:

  1. Give Life Back to Music
  2. Aerodynamic
  3. Digital Love
  4. Da Funk
  5. Instant Crush
  6. ….

Our contestants are Fresh, Nightvision, The Brainwasher, and Lose Yourself to Dance. Which album had the best Track ?