Get Lucky Wins Best Eighth Track! Now, which album has the best Track 9 of the bunch?

I may as well start posting the ranking of votes from the previous post: 1st - Get Lucky 2nd - Rollin’ & Scratchin’ 3rd - Television Rules the Nation 4th - High Life

So far the community-made track-listing is: 1. Give Life Back to Music 2. Aerodynamic 3. Digital Love 4. Da Funk 5. Instant Crush 6. Lose Yourself to Dance 7. Touch 8. Get Lucky 9. ….

Our contestants are Teachers, Something About Us, Technologic, and Beyond. Which album had the best Track 9?

I may as well start posting the ranking of votes from the previous post: 1st - Get Lucky 2nd - Rollin’ & Scratchin’ 3rd - Television Rules the Nation 4th - High Life

So far the community-made track-listing is: 1. Give Life Back to Music 2. Aerodynamic 3. Digital Love 4. Da Funk 5. Instant Crush 6. Lose Yourself to Dance 7. Touch 8. Get Lucky 9. ….

Our contestants are Teachers, Something About Us, Technologic, and Beyond. Which album had the best Track 9?