Now that we’re halfway through, where do you think cour one will end?

Episode One - Chapter 1 (67 pages)

Episode Two - Chapter 2 (52 pages)

Episode Three - Chapters 3-4 (58 pages)

Episode Four - Chapters 5-8 (84 pages yes I left out the three pages in chapter 8 that were in episode five and included them in the following page count)

Episode Five - Chapters 9-11 (60 pages)

Episode Six - Chapters 12-14 (64 pages)

Episode Seven - Chapters 15-17 (65 pages)

To make this discussion a bit easier I went ahead and compiled the above list. I’m looking forward to hearing everyone’s theories! I definitely think we will get a cliff-hanger ending especially with the next season/cour confirmed to come out this summer. My personal guess is if they follow the current trend of three chapters per episode, we’ll end the season with Chapter 31, which I wouldn’t mind. Ending the season with seeing Jiji’s “dream” would be a nice cliff hanger that isn’t too sudden of an ending. And then we could open the next cour with them traveling to his house, a nice way to start episode one.