Should I give Dark Pictures another chance?
I played Man of Medan when it came out and it really frustrated me because I was on board with this being about a curse or ghost ship only for everything to be hallucinations. The overall story felt very slow because not much was happening and tried to kill off my least favorite character (Conrad) but it ended up saving him. That's one other thing that turned me off about this game, I tried to purposely kill some characters but my "bad" decisions are what saved them. Nobody on my first play through died so I wrote off the rest of the future games that didn't even come out yet. I felt a bit ripped off for how lame my outcome was.
Should I give the other games a fair chance? Do they get progressively better in terms of plot? I'm a fan of Until Dawn but didn't compare Man of Medan to Until Dawn because that wouldn't be fair. I judged it by its own and I just didn't like the twist, it felt lame and cheap to me as a horror fan.