When do I stop dressing my biopsy sites?

Three weeks ago I (F28) went for my annual skin screening and got 6 moles removed via scrape biopsy: two on my lower back near my tailbone, one on each hip, one on each shoulder blade, and one on my right bicep.

I’ve been washing all of the sites daily with antibacterial soap and then placing a bandage on it with Neosporin. I change the dressings if I shower.

About a week ago, I noticed that a few of the sites were still weeping a yellow-ish green fluid. I went to the CVS Minute Clinic and was prescribed 100mg of Doxycycline twice a day for 10 days. I’m currently on day 5 of my treatment and have noticed improvement in some of the biopsy sites.

The ones on my hips and right shoulder blade continue to weep. The right shoulder blade is sore, but I imagine that is due to the fact that I am a side sleeper and did a workout yesterday.

Should I continue to clean the sites but stop dressing them? Let them get some air? Not sure if the bandages were causing additional irritation?