What exotics still need buffs?
With the pretty massive incoming wave of changes to exotic weapons and armor, we're going to be eating good for awhile. But the question remains, what else needs changed? I've compiled a list of what I think needs looked at, but I'm interested to see what else people think needs to be touched up. I'm a Titan main, so I've thought about them the most, with Warlock being where I kind of struggled to come up with things that need touched up. Anyway, here's my list.
- ACD/0 Feedback Fence: While not bad, now that Bolt Charge is a thing I feel like it would be more natural if they ran off Bolt Charge instead of Armor Charge.
- Hallowfire Heart: These took an unnecessary nerf when they reworked them to provide more Sunspots. The problem is that Sunspots aren't hard to create so the rework was effectively pointless.
- Hoarfrost-Z: These got significantly power crept with the rework of Icefall Mantles.
- Arbor Warden: There's no real point to these as it stands. I think instead of a barricade, we should be throwing a decoy grenade instead.
- Mk. 44 Stand Asides: These are just the worst exotic armor in the game. I don't even know where to begin.
- Phoenix Cradle: These never really live up to their potential, and allies have no visual indication that the sunspot will also heal them.
- Path of Burning Steps: When the "weapon surge" exotic armor archetype became a thing, these lost everything that made them interesting.
- Blight Ranger: With the incoming changes to reflect granting Bolt Charge, this thing is finally nearing being actually useful. Lean out of increased reflect damage and into Bolt Charge and this will finally be in decent shape.
- Shinobu's Vow: They just seem like they're a little behind the times at this point.
- Young Ahamkara's Spine: I just want these to also affect Gunpowder Gamble.
- Mechaneer's Tricksleeves: Having an activation condition of "you're about to die" is a recipe for a trash bin concept.
- Khepri's Sting: With On the Prowl and the updates to Gwisin Vest, I feel like this is about to be power crept on.
- Gemini Jester: Their description reads like Blind. Why is this not just Blind?
Speedloader Slacks: I've never used these, but they read like a worse version of On Your Mark. There's nothing exciting about them.
Verity's Brow: Honestly all they need is an ornament. One of the best exotics is held back because it looks like a rotten toenail.
Ophidian Aspect: A great PvP exotic that could use some PvE love.
Contraverse Hold: If you're going to have a Void exotic generate DR, why not just make it a Void OS?
Nothing Manacles: This is a exotic that mimics the effects of Chaos Accelerant without the need to charge. It's about as exciting as stale white bread.
Lunafaction Boots: Another exotic that has fallen behind the times.
Prometheus Spurs: This is a prime example of the phrase "kill your darlings". No one wants double rifts, stop trying to make it a thing and come up with a better concept.
Boots of the Assembler: While already dying, Speaker's Sight pulled the plug on these. Which is ironic since they're both healing exotics.
- Sturm: A weapon lost in time. This was custom made to highlight the double primary sandbox and that was a time best left forgotten.
- Vigilance Wing: While good in Trials and Solo content, this just doesn't have enough lift for a game meant to be social
- Suros Regime: This needs the Queenbreaker treatment to let it switch between fire modes.
- Xenophage: It needs a little love. It's perk is called Pyrotoxin Rounds. Give it the Pyro.
- Truth: It's been recently tuned and it feels like it didn't even come close to moving the needle.
- Deathbringer: A strong weapon, but it's situational at best and hard to use, driving its use case way down.
- Worldline Zero: It needs a little more.
- Black Talon: It needs a lot more. The catalyst is terrible and it feels awkward.