Nightmare subclass aspects and buffs and debuffs
Hello, I just want a 3rd darkness subclass please 🙏
Unsatiable hungry - while active, this effect will grant you health on hits (percentage of enemy health) and grant melee energy on kills.
Soul shield - you're covered in the thick miasma of the nightmares and are granted damage resistance.
Demented - this effect puts enemies into a frenzied state. Enemies deal more damage, attack faster, and target other enemies with you.
Torment - afflicted enemies with this and they will be sent into a state of fear and have a high chance of missing you when they shoot.
Prowling whispers - afflicted enemies on death will send out their nightmares to other enemies and damage them and make critical hits deal more damage.
Whispering rounds - overpenetrates shields and enemies allowing you to shoot enemies behind your target, also sends out small nightmares from your rounds.
(Whisper rounds would deal with barrier and Demented or torment would deal with overloads)
Nightmare fuel - killing an enemy afflicted by a debuff will cast a ritual circle around you. Any subsequent enemies killed will grow the circle and enemies inside the circle will be inflicted with prowling whispers and when defeated will grant you a boost to weapon damage and ability damage. (At max stacks think of ×3 surge for weapons and roaring flames max stacks)
The duke's sword - after sprinting for short duration, turn your melee into a giant sword, jumping will pound the ground with the sword and send small ripples of miasma fog that torment nearby enemies but sliding will unsheath the sword and embedded and extend into an enemy and release prowling whispers. You'll also be granted soul shield when casting.
Asphodel flower - casting your class ability grants you and nearby allies unsatiable hungry and links a chain of miasma between you and allies (max number of allies or not?), while active hits against targets heal you and allies and only gives you melee energy, allies damage gives you a damage bonus, Kills extend the duration. Unsatible hungry also can now overflow your health bar and grants bonus melee energy.
The duke's cauldron - holding your melee button will convert your melee into the well of tarturus, enemies that enter the well of tarturus miasma will get a become Demented and get a damage boost of 1.5x (maybe 2x or 3x idk lol). While standing in the well yourself you're granted Whispering rounds and soul shield.
Nezeracs heart - holding your dodge in the air will fling you fast toward an enemy and stabbing them and fling out enhanced prowling whispers from them. These prowling whispers would deal more damage and grant torment to enemies. The stabbed enemy will also be Demented.
The duke's gauntlet (rename)- hold your melee to fling out chain of thick miasma that upon reaching the enemy will relase a fog of miasma that will torment nearby enemies and reels in the enemy, once the enemy reaches you they'll be bitten and take damage over time, you'll be granted unsatiable hungry. (Could make it soul shield instead I think)
Notes: I have thought about gernades and the differing melee options and what the supers could look like but I would rather just send this out first. I think we could add another buff but idk what it would be. I think some of these ideas might either be overpowered and some maybe underpowered but it's all in good fun. Fragments are something that idk if I'll touch lol. But anyways open to ideas and interpretations and let's just be cool about this. And before you ask what I usually main, it's hunter, sorry.