New duel raider concept
I think breaker should introduce dual Raiders in the next season. Here is how it would work:
You have to have the raider preset, and cannot change it once you get into the game. So both players that get raider will have to use that raider.
The raiders will start at level two, but basically have Racoome health.
The Raiders are independent of each other, even if one player who’s playing raiders loses, the other raider could still win.
Facing two raiders would be a challenge, however, because they’re weaker than normal Raiders, and if you finish one, you have an easy match, it’ll balance itself out.
They can’t get stronger or weaker, basically you get what you get. The only reward for killing civilians is to save prevent energy for the survivors.
Queue times will shrink, and people who want to play. Raider will have an easier time doing it imagine being able to play a raiders match every two or three matches instead of every 4 to 6.