Unsanitized Adult Draco?

So. I cut my Dramione teeth on Manacled and while I've read a lot of great fics since, none have really scratched my itch. I've found that a lot of the oft-recommened/kudos fics with adult Draco (early-20's on) seem to feature a somewhat hesitant, remorseful or reclusive Draco who is really unsure about his place in the world. I'm looking for a Dangerous!Draco who isn't beholden to anyone -- no "what would daddy think" monologues or hesitation (just finished The Auction and he's just a bit too teenagery) -- and a Capable!Hermione. Bonus if everything he does, even before he realizes it, is to keep her safe. I also really like fics with a lot of magic (the literal kind).

Got anything for me?