6 days in. Here’s what I’ve discovered

I’ve been a nightly wine drinker (add in some canned cocktails here and there) for too long. I started DJ as a challenge to myself to help me get some space between me and alcohol, and hopefully fix some bad habits that I let get out of hand. Here are a few things that I have learned so far: -for me, it has been a huge help to drink a salt rimmed glass of lime and seltzer. Feels like I’m drinking, so I don’t miss anything. -I also started to work out and eat better. I think this is helping to curb the alcohol cravings, because when I drink, the wine tells me to have a snack, and I end up munching on stuff I don’t need. -I feel like my skin looks better. I also started a better skin care routine, so perhaps that was it too, but the lack of alcohol seems to have given some glow back to my face. -keeping busy is key. When I decided to do DJ I also set out to work out, eat right, take care of my skin, read some books and crochet a blanket. Seems like I took on a lot, but all this stuff takes up time in a good way and prevents me from getting bored and wanting a drink

Here are the parts I’m struggling with-any advice is appreciated: -sleep. I can’t fall asleep. Ive been using melatonin but it doesn’t seem to work great. I used to fall asleep easy and then wake up a bunch of times if I was drinking, but at least I’d fall asleep. Once I do fall asleep I feel well rested, but getting there at a reasonable hour has been a struggle -kid and work stress is my trigger. The only time I was really really tempted to have a drink was when we sat down to plan out the week of what activities my kids had now that winter break is over. Balancing it with work is a trigger. It always works out fine, but the idea of it all seems overwhelming and a drink would help. But I didn’t cave!!!

I’m proud I’ve come this far and hoping that everyone else is feeling good!!