Day 8 ~ The good, the bad and the ugly

The good

Nearly doubled my deep sleep according to my Fitbit! Got nearly two hours compared to my average hour fifteen or so (far less if I’ve been drinking heavily!). I don’t often wear my Fitbit to bed but wanted to track at least a little more this month.

My skin is showing many improvements. Less redness, far more hydrated and supple looking. My nose looks smaller/thinner?!?! I suppose this was swelling that I just never realized was occurring. My eyes look clearer and brighter. Even my teeth look whiter. (Full disclosure I’ve been better on my skincare lately and I got a water flosser for Christmas that I’m working to build the habit of using, but I don’t think either has ever been as effective as abstaining). I’ve been taking a picture a few mornings a week to help track any changes.

I’m down almost two pounds from the beginning of the year. I am also tracking calories, but no alcohol makes staying in my parameters had been really easy…still not quite hitting my protein goals but that’s a gripe for a different subreddit.

The bad(ish)

I’m bored. There’s more time in the evening. This will probably become a good I just need to figure out what to do besides sitting on the couch. This is probably more of a stuck in a rut life problem which stinks because objectively, life is pretty good. I feel like I need to find my next thing but I don’t know what it is and I have a long history of abandoned hobbies so I’m feeling reluctant to start another potentially costly future clutter. I’m trying to work on this mindset but today I’m feeling low, but with the weather/limited daylight/my upcoming monthly/busy season at work it’s not exactly shocking.

I’m craving a beautiful dry red wine with a medium full body and subtle oakiness. Not real trigger, just sort of an all day whisper of I want it. Sort of a pink elephant thought. It’s definitely what I’m dreaming of having when I move into damp February. I avoided even looking in the beer/wine direction in the store today and picked up more tea and juice options. There’s tequila in the cabinet that I’m not even tempted by.

The ugly

I stink. Like bad. Yesterday was my commute day and I thought I had somehow forgotten to put on deodorant in the morning. I definitely put it on today and I feel like I reek! Probably good that I mostly work from home and the dog still loves me. I’m hoping this goes away soon but for now I think I need a long hot bath with plenty of pleasant smelling additions.

I feel like I’ve been browsing the comments here practically all day so thanks to everyone for posting! How is everyone holding up?