Frustrating problems with Rollo only with Ebay
So I feel like I’m taking crazy pills and missing some obvious thing that everyone seems to get. I finally got a wireless Rollo because I got tired of cutting out labels and taping them on. I sell on mult platforms but for some reason when I try to print an EBay label it shows up like it’s printing on letter size paper even though the settings say 4x6 and Rollo Printer is selected and Fit to Printable area is selected. When I pull a Mecari label it is automatically correct and I just hit print. I can’t even make adjustments to get the EBay one correct.
I’m also confused by the Rollo app because I thought that I would be able to print labels right from the app and I had connected my EBay account to it. But when I try it won’t let me (or I’m too dumb to figure out how to) use the purchased EBay label and it instead wants me to weigh and measure the package and create my own label for the sale. Am I missing something here?