What the hell is with kids in this City
The feral youth problem in Edinburgh has become ridiculous, in my area alone which is a quiet neighbourhood I've seen these pre pubescent fuckers acting like little terrorists. Everything in our area has been tagged with "Block 7" and I mean everything, when I moved in there wasn't a bit of graffiti anywhere.
Had two of the wee bellends smack the bus window as hard as they could recently at me and tell me to come out and fight them for no reason, bare in mind I'm a big guy and have been training martial arts for years. Had to really hold in my anger there on that one as I've read everywhere if I was to clip one I'd get in deep shit
Something needs to be done, I used to live in a supposedly "rough" city in the UK before this and have to say its a way bigger problem in Edinburgh. These wee shite will get worse and worse until some people get seriously hurt