Hey 'Git Gud' Kids, Why Don't You Ever Post Proof?
This whole DLC mess is a trashfire that showcases the worst of the worst when it comes to the FromSoftware community, on all ends. People are insufferable with their thesis paper-long criticism posts, they're insufferable when they say different variations of 'git gud' or 'use X item, duh', they're insufferable when they recommend one SPECIFIC build that makes the DLC 'easy', it's all just been so absurdly irritating to see.
But for the Git Gud kids specifically, why don't you ever post proof? Why is it every single time that someone says 'git gud' or 'I'm on NG+7 and it's fine, just do X and X' they NEVER post a video of their clears for the bosses?
Let's just implement Mario Maker rules into this whole thing, if you're going to post about how 'best' to clear certain bosses or areas, you should have to clear it first (and show proof). Nothing has been more frustrating than seeing the endless amount of people putting themselves on metaphorical pedestals saying certain things are easy or complainers just aren't utilizing certain items correctly and you just KNOW in your heart of hearts that they're still stuck on Golden Hippo.
Please, if you're going to be 'that guy (or gal, or person)' online, just post a video of you actually doing what you say is easy, I swear to god I'll have full faith in your advice if you do.