Pre-employment Drug Test, any advice for me?
I'm sure this has been done a million times if not more but I am driving myself insane and just need y'alls help. A little back story:
I am 5'10 & 200lbs at 24% body fat. I typically only use my indica medicine at night to help me sleep since I've been permanently fucked by taking Adderall as a child/teen for ADHD & ADD, it's left me with insomnia as an adult even though it's been 15 years since I was on it. I sometimes partake in the Mary Jane after a work day to help calm my nerves and switch to relax mode if it's been a relatively stressful day, my ideal is a toke or 2 from my O-PEN/Tru-Stick vs a couple of beers. I've had my card since 2020, and haven't really ever taken a break longer than a couple of weeks. I've never had to piss for employment since moving to Florida.
I was part of a mass lay off earlier last month. I quit vaping 10/29. I just heard back from a potential employer, who is located in Florida, for a position. They sent me a text with instructions to get a "eCup+ 5A (1200) - (1200 - 5 PANEL STANDARD)" drug test at a local testing facility. It does say "NON-DOT", so I am hoping that means 50 ng/ml level is what they are testing for. Local laws say its not illegal with a license and prescription from a legitimate doctor. That being said I know that a medical card doesn't protect us from workplace discrimination being denied work or possibly losing your job pissing hot.
I've worked out every day in full sweats and long sleeve shirt underneath for the last 9 days since I quit. My regular routine is a 20 minute warm up, an hour run about 5k, and weight training for about 40 minutes. I also try to keep my HR in the "fat burn zone". I've been drinking atleast a gallon of water a day ontop of green teas/detox teas/cranberry juice. I've taken 2 "DrugExam THC Advantage" at home tests for 15/20/50/200/300 that show me with negative results. I'm not sure if I trust it because I've been a daily user for almost 4 years. Plus a heavy user on the weekends but only vape carts/pods and capsules/edibles at night to ensure a full night's rest. It's been about a month since the last time I've had an edible or taken a capsule (10 mg).
I've been looking into detox kits and am not totally convinced. I am not looking for a masking agent because I've been burned by them before in the past from personal experience, as the labs have flagged them. Are there any brands you all have personal experience with that have lead to passing a standard 5/panel NON-DOT lab drug test? I'm good on the other 4, THC is my only worry. I'm preferably looking for kits I can pick up in store so I can start asap.
My old stoner friend told me the only thing he recommends is fake piss, or have a sober friend piss for me. I've been burned by synthetic before as well l, apparently I used the same brand the lab used for their own testing calibration. Also been burned by using someone else's, they were straight laced and the only drug theyve ever done was caffeine, but I still got flagged. Every way I've tried to cheat this bullshit system I've failed. I've never gotten high at a job, on the job, or during the work day. It's always been on my own personal time. I've know people who drop acid and do Coke and other hard drugs on Friday because they can piss clean on Monday. I really hate being discriminated against for legally taking my medicine when I'm not on the clock but there's nothing we can do about it. I digress.
Any advice for me? I'd be willing to try a flush the day of if someone has personal experience with passing a test using it, please include your brand and item. I'm mainly looking for a true detox that will permanently flush it from my system vs something that will mask it for a few hours. But now I'm desperate. I would like for something I can go to a brick and mortar store like GNC/Walmart/CVS etc. to pick up since I don't have the luxury of time but DO have prime so Amazon is on the table for next day delivery.
I'm sure this has been done a million times if not more but I am driving myself insane and just need y'alls help. A little back story:
I am 5'10 & 200lbs at 24% body fat. I typically only use my indica medicine at night to help me sleep since I've been permanently fucked by taking Adderall as a child/teen for ADHD & ADD, it's left me with insomnia as an adult even though it's been 15 years since I was on it. I sometimes partake in the Mary Jane after a work day to help calm my nerves and switch to relax mode if it's been a relatively stressful day, my ideal is a toke or 2 from my O-PEN/Tru-Stick vs a couple of beers. I've had my card since 2020, and haven't really ever taken a break longer than a couple of weeks. I've never had to piss for employment since moving to Florida.
I was part of a mass lay off earlier last month. I quit vaping 10/29. I just heard back from a potential employer, who is located in Florida, for a position. They sent me a text with instructions to get a "eCup+ 5A (1200) - (1200 - 5 PANEL STANDARD)" drug test at a local testing facility. It does say "NON-DOT", so I am hoping that means 50 ng/ml level is what they are testing for. Local laws say its not illegal with a license and prescription from a legitimate doctor. That being said I know that a medical card doesn't protect us from workplace discrimination being denied work or possibly losing your job pissing hot.
I've worked out every day in full sweats and long sleeve shirt underneath for the last 9 days since I quit. My regular routine is a 20 minute warm up, an hour run about 5k, and weight training for about 40 minutes. I also try to keep my HR in the "fat burn zone". I've been drinking atleast a gallon of water a day ontop of green teas/detox teas/cranberry juice. I've taken 2 "DrugExam THC Advantage" at home tests for 15/20/50/200/300 that show me with negative results. I'm not sure if I trust it because I've been a daily user for almost 4 years. Plus a heavy user on the weekends but only vape carts/pods and capsules/edibles at night to ensure a full night's rest. It's been about a month since the last time I've had an edible or taken a capsule (10 mg).
I've been looking into detox kits and am not totally convinced. I am not looking for a masking agent because I've been burned by them before in the past from personal experience, as the labs have flagged them. Are there any brands you all have personal experience with that have lead to passing a standard 5/panel NON-DOT lab drug test? I'm good on the other 4, THC is my only worry. I'm preferably looking for kits I can pick up in store so I can start asap.
My old stoner friend told me the only thing he recommends is fake piss, or have a sober friend piss for me. I've been burned by synthetic before as well l, apparently I used the same brand the lab used for their own testing calibration. Also been burned by using someone else's, they were straight laced and the only drug theyve ever done was caffeine, but I still got flagged. Every way I've tried to cheat this bullshit system I've failed. I've never gotten high at a job, on the job, or during the work day. It's always been on my own personal time. I've know people who drop acid and do Coke and other hard drugs on Friday because they can piss clean on Monday. I really hate being discriminated against for legally taking my medicine when I'm not on the clock but there's nothing we can do about it. I digress.
Any advice for me? I'd be willing to try a flush the day of if someone has personal experience with passing a test using it, please include your brand and item. I'm mainly looking for a true detox that will permanently flush it from my system vs something that will mask it for a few hours. But now I'm desperate. I would like for something I can go to a brick and mortar store like GNC/Walmart/CVS etc. to pick up since I don't have the luxury of time but DO have prime so Amazon is on the table for next day delivery.