My Hat in the Hybrid Ring - Volanmortus Igniferrum
My hybrid is Volanmortus Igniferrum, Flying Death of Fiery Iron. I suppose we could nickname it Morty (pick is Frankenstein-photoshopped from various pics found online).
As you can see this is a flying hybrid, whose intention is to be able to ambush and attack from unconventional angles rather than take on Indom 2.0 or others in a head-on assault. In a battle against such foes I see it mainly taking a hit and run approach from the sky, though with the inclusion of crocodile DNA it is capable of also approaching and ambushing from shallow waters, and if grounded should be able to mount a solid defense.
Like other hybrids that have been shared, Morty can digest iron and use it to reinforce its bone structure, scale armor, claws, horns and teeth. This along with the base Quetzacoatlus bone structure allows it to be very strong and durable while still lightweight relative to its size. It's body was beefed up relative to a slightly shorter neck to allow for the heavier head, and a longer tail gives it a counterbalance which can also aid in locomotion or be used as a defensive weapon. Pangolin DNA gives it a lightweight, flexible, regrowable scale armor of keratin reinforced with the iron.
The combined T-Rex and Triceratops DNA give Morty the advantages of armorment and bite force that Goji Center covered in its Ultimasaurus videos. Intermingling with the DNA of the various flying species did alter the shape of the frill and horns to be more streamlined and aerodynamic. The top horns blend into the upper eye sockets and the frill is a bit more swept back. The head is also not as wide as a T-Rex would be, though it has a similar side profile. The nostrils are more pronounced, and the eyes are closest to that of a Peregrine Falcon.
The inclusion of Bombadier Beetle DNA gives it a very dragon-like quality, being able to rain down scalding chemical sprays as it flies past a target from sprayers located in its throat below the jaw. It can also deliver devastating piercing attacks if it dives down from the sky and collides horns-first with a target near terminal velocity with its 500 kg frame, or slashing attacks with its claws if it misses on a head-on collision attempt. Its iron-reinforced bones and armor allow it to withstand such collisions.
The sum of the DNA from Falcons, Crocodiles and T-Rex give this hybrid an advanced array of senses to hunt with- very acute senses of vision and smell, as well as electroreceptors to pinpoint a prey's heart beat. I included a touch of DNA from Pronghorn Antelopes, which have a very strong and efficient cardiovascular system allowing it to maintain flight for long periods of time and disperse heat efficiently.
I welcome any thoughts, feedback or ideas on how to make it better. My main concern is the neck; Quetzacoatlus has a very long neck and even with shortening/thickening it here, it still seems like a potential weakness. Hope you all like!