Stock indoor set up

We have a new home and when we moved, my tank was destroyed during transit. I still wanted to keep an aquarium but it is currently out of the budget.

So I got a stock tank, and made it into a small indoor pond. I have kept it simple but effective.

For aquatic plants, I have anubias nana petit and java sword. They have survived the broken aquarium.

For aquaponics, I have the old trusted pothos. I recently learned of this beautiful pond plant, water clover and it has given my curious water puppies something to be intrigued about. I also have a rescued peace lily, which has produced this flower bud for me this week. An allocasia, and a monstera.

I also added a fire and ice hosta variety.

I have used dollarstore baskets as plant hangers. I poked holes on the sides and underneath them. I also used another old pen organizer and used a wire as its hanger.

The aquarium light is also from my old aquarium set up. For filtration, I use 2 methods. First is my sponge filter, which I like as it doubles as aerator. Then, the canister filter.

I opted for 2 juvee sized orandas as I would like to challenge myself in growing them and see how they can thrive.

Long term plan is to make an outdoor pond for them.

They have been with us for 1 full month today. I do hope I become successful in keeping them.