spreadsheet.batchUpdate() breaks sheet functionality

I noticed a bug where if I make a change to a sheet using the batchUpdate() service, the change cannot be undone using ctrl+z or the undo button on the sheet. I have to manually delete the sheet edit. This problem does not exist if using the SpreadsheetApp() service. If this is indeed a bug then it's a huge red flag as it renders the service useless for people like me who are batching out a large number of operations and need those operations to be reverted (by a user of the sheet for example).

What is going on here? Here is the sheet:


You will need to add the following code to Apps Script and enable the Google Sheets API Service.

function myFunction() {
  const response = Sheets.Spreadsheets.batchUpdate({
  requests: [
      updateCells: {
          sheetId:          0, 
          startRowIndex:    0,
          endRowIndex:      1, 
          startColumnIndex: 0,
          endColumnIndex:   1,
        rows: [{ values: [{userEnteredValue: {numberValue: 30}}]}],
        fields: "userEnteredValue"
  }, SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId());