I'm half way thought install and I think I planned this out wrong.

TDLR: I started installing lights (first two pictures) and considering changing to my new better? idea (second two pictures)

I bought two 100ft Govee Elite kits and was able to accomplish installing them at the top peak with my neighbors extension ladder (super stoked I was able to do that and not fall off . That ladder got REAL wobbly, even with my neighbor trying to hold it stable.)

Thinking about what I did today and looking at pictures of my house, I think I screwed up and should have planned this out differently. My plan was to have two power supplies and one controller for both kits. The reason I wanted to do it with one controller is because I wanted animations and scenes to all be synced up, as opposed to having two kits with two controllers that are not synced together and the animations dont look correct. I understand one controller for two kits is "not possible" or recommended by Govee, but I believe that is because of voltage drop and amperage limitations of one power supply, not data. So, I thought I would inject power on the other end of the run, before the last two strips, to avoid the voltage drop and amperage issue. But, could one controller control all the lights if all the lights had enough power? (Could Govee have some internal parameter that limits how many lights can be controlled by one controller, given sufficient power is supplied to all the lights?) I have tinkered around with LED light strips in the past and I remember there was a limit of 1000 LEDS or something like that due to the controller or type of LED light strip (WS2812).

Anyway, as I started to think about it, I found out in reddit and other Govee groups, that you can have two separate kits that are "grouped" in the Govee app and are synced but I have yet to see a video examples of how the two synced kits actually look. How would it know where one strip ends and the other begins? How would it know what direction to start from?I'm really not looking forward to getting up to the peak and redoing this but before I finish the rest of my install this week, I wanted to share my experience, thought process, and see if you all have any suggestions/questions.